Bridging is an exercise that many of our instructors suggest as homework as it ticks so many boxes. It is a great way to mindfully move your body and see where it’s at on that day. Bridging is great for:
- creating a connection to the ground
- leg alignment
- hip strength
- spine articulation
- breathing
- chest expansion
- taking time out to listen to your body!
In the video, Jo takes Celine through a repetition of bridging and offers suggestions for points of focus. We suggest that you do 6- 10 repetitions as part of your home practice.
- Inhale to prepare
- Exhale to tilt the pelvis using as little muscular effort as possible. See if you can allow your pelvis to simply roll
- Create downwards force through your feet and peel your spine off the ground until you create a long diagonal from your shoulders to your feet.
- Inhale to create openness through your chest and length through your waist
- Exhale to return your spine to the ground- one row of ribs at a time and allow your pelvis to rest at the end.
Other things to consider:
- Keep your first few repetitions lower if you feel like your hips are very tight
- Spend a little longer rolling down if your back feels restricted. You can pause, inhale and roll down in segments to access more movement
- At the top of the movement you can add arm arcs, rotation through the pelvis or leg lifts for endurance
- Rolling down with the arms resting on the ground behind you can add a deeper stretch through the lats
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